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Hallo aus Amerika

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    Hallo aus Amerika

    Ich bin aus den Vereinigten Staaten, ich bin eine Deutsch-Amerikanischer. Ich bin jetzt Deutsch lernen.

    Ich habe dreißig Gewehre und zwölf Pistolen. *approximately, I need to do some more counting*

    *I may very well have to write in English at times, I did not see anything explicitly against this in the rules, if it is against the rules please let me know and I will confine myself to reading posts until my German has improved enough that I may contribute in German*

    I'm also trying to post a picture of my friendly hunter cat "Whitey" aka "The White Cat," which explains my choice of username here.

    welcome on board.

    No, until now it wasn´t a problem to write in English or any other language, we had some English guests in the past.

    Well, might be some users don´t understand what you are writing, but that´s it.

    I think "OhHerrlehredochmich", or so, is US-American too.

    A hunter CAT? Really?

    Sorry for being so late with the first welcome, you´ve posted at 3:24 Middle European time, when most of us sleep.

    Hope you will have a lot of fun here and we can help you with your German.

    Viele Grüße,
    "Der Euro muss platzen, sonst bekommen wir ein sozialistisches Zwangssystem."
    (Prof. Max Otte)



      30 rifles, that's nice! What rifles do you have exactly?

      If I was living in the US, some of these rifles would be both SCAR-types (16S and 17S), the FS2000, the civilian IMI Tavor and an FN PS90.


        Zitat von Vincent Beitrag anzeigen

        30 rifles, that's nice! What rifles do you have exactly?

        If I was living in the US, some of these rifles would be both SCAR-types (16S and 17S), the FS2000, the civilian IMI Tavor and an FN PS90.

        Romanian SKS
        Romanian SKS
        Romanian SKS
        Romanian SKS
        Romanian SKS
        Chinese SKS
        Albanian SKS
        Yugoslavian SKS M59
        Yugoslavian SKS M59/66
        M1 Garand
        Uzi 9mm with suppressor
        AR-15 short barrel rifle with suppressor
        AR-15 regular carbine length barrel with chrome lined barrel and chromed bolt group
        AR-15 regular carbine length barrel with chrome-moly barrel
        M95 Steyr [Austrian]
        M95 Steyr [Hungarian]
        M44 Nagant
        M44 Nagant
        Type 53 Chinese
        Ruger 10/22
        Mossberg bolt action 22
        Swiss K31
        Enfield Ishapore
        Enfield Ishapore
        Winchester bolt action 22
        Bulgarian AK-74
        Romanian AK-47
        PTR-91 variant of the HK G3 [in semi auto]
        Savage 10 FPS in .308
        Remington 870 Police Magnum
        Remington 870 Tactical Magnum
        Remington 870 Witness Protection [Tactical Express AOW]


          Nice collection DWK, in Forum!


            Zitat von wozzi Beitrag anzeigen
            Nice collection DWK, in Forum!

            Ja, und die Liste ist Licht.

            I always forget a few, there's probably four or five I failed to tack up on the list, and those are just the rifles and shotguns, I'll have about fifteen pistols once the two on order finally come in.


              Where in the States do you live and what of the weapon rights have you there?


                Zitat von wozzi Beitrag anzeigen
                Where in the States do you live and what of the weapon rights have you there?

                I live in Ohio-

                There is no requirement to have a license to purchase or own a firearm.

                There is no registration of firearms, unless it is a fully-automatic, suppressed, short-barrel rifle, short-barrel shotgun, or the so-called Any Other Weapon [i.e. cane gun, disguised gun], or the so-called destructive device [20mm anti-tank rifle, 40mm grenade launcher, etc]. The registry is with the federal government through the ATF's National Firearms Act Branch.

                There is no license needed to openly carry a pistol in my state, unless you are in a vehicle.

                I have a license to carry a concealed pistol which the police were required by law to issue to me as I have no criminal record, no history of mental illness, I am not a drug addict, I am not an alcoholic, I am not under indictment for any felony offense, and I passed the basic course on pistol safety and the state laws that govern self-defense and appropriate legal use of force. I've been carrying a pistol for almost seven years and have not had any incidents as of yet.

                I also have a license from another state, they issue to anybody who is qualified, I am effectively covered to carry a concealed pistol legally with my two permits in about 36 of the states in the country.

                I can sell any of my regular [non-NFA] weapons to anybody in the state of Ohio unless I know or have reason to believe they are a felon or a minor. Fully-automatic weapons and NFA items have to be transferred via the approved tax stamp paperwork, which means dealing with the ATF. But I could sell a Walther PPK to my neighbor and he could sell a K11 rifle to me and it doesn't have to be recorded anywhere or reported anywhere.

                The only main regulation is the Form 4473 which has to be filled out and called in to the instant background check center when buying a weapon from a licensed dealer.


                  Many thanks for this informations... Why have you fooled us? You do not live in Ohio, but in Paradise ...


                    Zitat von Lichtgestalt Beitrag anzeigen

                    A hunter CAT? Really?

                    At last count he has accounted for the following-

                    2 rabbits
                    12-15 birds
                    1 field mouse
                    15-25 chipmunks [exact count is lost]


                      Zitat von Die Weisse Katze Beitrag anzeigen
                      15-25 chipmunks [exact count is lost]
                      and Alvin ?


                        Zitat von erich74 Beitrag anzeigen
                        and Alvin ?
                        Tot, alle sind tot.


                          But I could sell a Walther PPK to my neighbor and he could sell a K11 rifle to me and it doesn't have to be recorded anywhere or reported anywhere.
                          That was the moment, when I started to cry!

                          Even in Austria one can buy a single shot rifle, if he/she is 18 years old and a citizen of Austria or of the EU with a residence in Austria.

                          WHY THE F*CK CAN'T THIS BE IN GERMANY AS WELL!?!?!?!?!

                          @Die Weisse Katze:

                          Could YOU imagine, that YOU would need a permition, which your government "liberally" gives to you, to purchase your guns and if you purchase it, it is ONLY for sport shooting and NOT for self-protection. And could you imagine, that if you purchase your guns for sport shooting, your governmet allowes you to purchase ONLY 3 semi-auto rifles and TWO handguns and for additional other semi-auto rifle/hand gun you have to give your government a proof, that you need it for special competition purposes? You can't imagine?

                          Well...welcome to Germany, the land where every bondage and limitation of civic rights is possible...

                          P.s.: YES, I am frustrated! Due to the ignorance of your political system and due to the the majority of people, who seem to believe every SH*T that they are told via newspapers and TV about gun owners!
                          Zuletzt geändert von Vincent; 29.10.2013, 22:34.


                            Also, I am an 03 FFL [Federal Firearms License] commonly referred to as a C&R, Curio and Relic license.

                            By legal definition, ANY weapon that is at least 50 years old is automatically a C&R weapon, but not modern replicas of such weapons. This means that a Colt 1873 revolver from 1873 is a C&R weapon, even a replica from 1953 is a C&R weapon, but not a replica from 2005 or 2010.

                            Also specifically special/historical weapons that are odd or unique can be classed as C&R, the ATF has specific/unique/etc criteria for making such determinations.

                            The main benefit to having a C&R is to be able to have C&R items shipped to you via the mail instead of having to go through the dealer/store to obtain them.

                            I've obtained about 20-30 weapons with my C&R license in the last 7 years.

                            My M1 Garand, my Walther P1, my Polish TT-33, my Romanian TT-33, my Yugoslavian Md 57, my DDR Makarov, almost all of my SKS rifles, my two M95s, etc.


                              Have you a Polish Eagle (pistole), too?

