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What is the model of this Voere rifle .22LR?

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    What is the model of this Voere rifle .22LR?

    I have purchased this Voere rifle .22LR through a Danish auction and am in the process of restoring it. I am in doubt about the model, though. I have attached a picture of the rifle, and on the pipe it says "VOERE GmbH. Vöhrenbach/Germany". I have unsuccessfully tried to identify the model using the Internet. Can anyone help me? The specific reason why I would like to know the model is because the stock back plate is damaged and needs replacement (see picture). Does anyone know if the correctly sized back plate can be purchased somewhere as a spare part?
    Best regards,
    Jakob, Dänemark
    Angehängte Dateien

    Hello neon,

    the company has gone bankrupt years ago unfortunately, but have made ​​really high quality products. I myself have a Voere Titan II in 6.5x55se.

    3 years ago I got from somewhere a magazine for my Voere. I'll try to find the source. It could be that even you can find something there.


      Zitat von wozzi Beitrag anzeigen
      Hello neon,

      the company has gone bankrupt years ago unfortunately, but have made ​​really high quality products. I myself have a Voere Titan II in 6.5x55se.

      3 years ago I got from somewhere a magazine for my Voere. I'll try to find the source. It could be that even you can find something there.
      That sounds really good! I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Jakob/neon


        Hi Jacob,

        when you need spare parts or accessories for old guns and rifles, I suggest to ask the guys from this company:

        CDS Ehrenreich, Jagdwaffen, Dekowaffen, Gebrauchtwaffen, Samlerwaffen, Salutwaffen, Waffenzubehör, Bajonette, Waffen Teile, Gun Parts

        If they don´t have what you need they know where you can get it in most cases.


          It might be possible to get some spare-parts from Gustaf Jehn GmbH,

          Try to send an email with a photo from your rifle and ask there for the plate.

          Good luck,

          Sie sind unbewaffnet! Das ist gegen die Vorschrift! !(Aeryn Sun zu John Crichton in Farscape)

          Nichts ist gut in Afghanistan! (Margot Käßmann, Heiligabend 2009
          , aktueller denn je)

          I like the shiny steel and the polished wood ! (Steve Lee: I Like Guns)


            Zitat von wozzi Beitrag anzeigen
            Hello neon,

            the company has gone bankrupt years ago unfortunately, but have made ​​really high quality products. I myself have a Voere Titan II in 6.5x55se.

            3 years ago I got from somewhere a magazine for my Voere. I'll try to find the source. It could be that even you can find something there.
            Dear sir. I contact you in order to hear if you were able to locate the source of your Voere spare part? Also, could you tell me the German Word for the spare part that I'm looking for. Someone told me "hintere Schaftabdeckund" but this does not hit up any results in a Google search. So there must be another Word. Best regards, Neon/Jakob, Denmark


              You are looking for a Schaftkappe.


                I forgot it neon84, sorry.. I'll look today to see if I find the mail.


                  It takes a bit, but I could not quickly, sorry... Ask Mr. Gustav Jehn:

                  Gustav Jehn
                  Josefkirchstraße 3
                  59557 Lippstadt
                  Phone: +49 2941 29 09 0
                  Fax: +49 2941 23 4 18

